Case: Lampela & Lampi

Illustrations and layout: "Bensaahan ne pojat tuli hakemaan" CD


Seppo Lampela (also known as Steen1) is a professional musician who has created music for years and has released five or so albums prior to "Bensaahan ne pojat tuli hakemaan" which he did together with Jussi Lampi, a well known finnish actor and musician. The work for their album begun in early 2010 and the final result ended up on recordstores April 2011.

Briefly about the project

As stated before, Marko has taken part in many of Seppo's musical productions during the last years, from websites to album illustrations, so it was more than natural that Seppo wanted to utilize his services once again. The cover concept was more or less thought of before project landed on Marko's lap. Seppo wanted Jussi P. Koistinen to create painting which would be based on a photos taken of Jussi Lampi and Seppo Lampela. So they asked Marko to take few alternative shots of 'em which they chose the best from and gave them to mr. Koistinen. Marko took plenty of photos, and the ones which artist Koistinen didn't need ended up for illustrations on the booklet. Couple of those pictures were also used as official promopictures.

For the booklet, traycard and cd-labels Marko had free hands. This time Marko decided to create an actual scrap-book or a mock up of a journal for the booklet. He laid out the lyrics so that they'd look like newspaper articles and laid various photos and notes over 'em and created a real book of 'em. After that he photographed the result, edited it a bit in Photoshop and that pretty much was it. Since this was two CD release, for CD 1 he used Seppo's face and for CD 2 Jussi's face. Safe choice, since Jussi sings much more on the CD 2 than CD 1.

Once again the project didn't end once the album illustrations were sent to printers: Next in line was complete renovation of artists website which had remained unupdated for nearly 1,5 years. Lampela wanted totally different approach compared to old layout which followed the visuals of previous album. Client also wanted that the illustrative graphics could be easily changed without altering reast of the content.

Lampela & Lampi: Bensaahan ne pojat tuli hakemaan

Seppo ja Jussi

References, clients

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